Dienstag, 2. März 2010

CC Designs Spring Sugarplums BLOG HOP

Willkommen zum C.C. Designs Spring Sugarplums Blog Hop!!
Welcome to the C.C. Designs Spring Sugarplums Blog Hop!!

Die Sugarplums Frühlingskollektion ist so groß, dass das gesamte Design Team an einem Blog Hop teilnimmt, um euch allen einen Eindruck vom Set zu geben und euch zu zeigen, was man mit den Stempeln alles machen kann!
The Spring Sugarplums stamp release is so large the entire team is participating in a blog hop to give all of you just a taste of the fabulous creations you can make with these stamps!

Wenn du meinen Blog einfach so besucht hast, dann starte doch mit dem Blog Hop hier <-----klick!
If you've just happened across my blog and didn't start at the beginning click here <-----click!

Ist Emma with Umbrella nicht süß in ihrem Regenmantel? Für meine Karte habe ich Basic Grey Designpapier und beigebraunen Cardstock genommen. Auf den beigebraunen Cardstock stehe ich momentan total und könnte ihn die ganze Zeit nutzen.
This is Emma with Umbrella, isn't she cute in her rain coat? I used Basic Grey pattern paper and tan cardstock for my card. At the moment I really love tan cardstock and I have to use it all the time.

Der passende Spruch ist von AmyR und war ebenfalls Inhalt des Sugarplums Frühlings Kit. Alle Stempelmotive sowie das Sprücheset werden ab morgen einzeln bei All That Scraps erhältlich sein. Und da ich eine "nasse" Karte gemacht habe, habe ich mal wieder den Martha Stewart Drippy Goo Stanzer in Wasser umgewandelt.
The matching sentiment is from AmyR and it was also part of the Sugarplums Spring Kit. All the images from the spring kit will be available as single stamps from tomorrow on at All That Scraps, also the sentiment set. As I made a "wet" card I used the Martha Stewart Drippy Goo border punch to make a watery border.

Ich habe Emma mit den Spellbinders Labels 4 ausgestanzt und den Rand mit Faux-Stitching geschmückt. Die Ränder der Blumen habe ich braun eingefärbt und die wunderschönen embellishments.de Perlenbrads in die Blumenmitten gesetzt.
Emma has been cut out with Spellbinders Labels 4 and I did some faux-stitching around the image. The flowers edges are inked and I added some wonderful pearl brads from embellishments.de to the flower's middles.

Vielen Dank für deinen Besuch! Weiter geht es bei Tracy. Viel Spaß mit all den neuen Sugarplums, ich wette, dass du sie genau so mögen wirst, wie ich es tue!
Thanks for stopping by! Continue the hop by visiting Tracy. Have fun watching all the new Sugarplums. I bet you'll love them as much as I do!

stamps: Emma with Umbrella and Sentiment by C.C. Designs
ink pad: Memento Rich Cocoa
papers: Cardstock , BasicGrey Pattern Paper
accessories: Spellbinders Labels 8, Martha Stewart Drippy Goo Punch, Prima Flowers, Pearlbrads

26 Kommentare:

  1. As always Jay Jay your work is absolutely jaw dropping amazing! Your colouring is gorgeous and I love the over all design ;)
    Hugs Kel xx

  2. Jay Jay...this is adorable...I love these colours together too!!

  3. gorgeous!!! Love, love, love these stamps!! Wonderful colouring.

    I can't wait until my Spring kit arrives !!!!

  4. SO cute! Love how you found another use for the MS punch!

  5. she's fabulous, Jay Jay! love the drippy goo punch for this card, too - how perfect!

    love the papers you've selected - kind of blue, but not sad and depressing.

    your card is adorable!

  6. Gorgeous soft blue/tan color combo JayJay! Absolutely love this!

  7. Jay Jay this is precious!!! I love your coloring girl. So soft and pretty. You rocked it! hugs

  8. Beautiful, Jay Jay! The colors are just perfect!

  9. awesome job. love the colors you used.

  10. She is adorable! Such a sweet card!

  11. Die Karte und der Stempel ist goldig. Echt schön

  12. lovely card and great sentiment too!

  13. That is such a sweet card and image. Thanks so much for sharing

  14. She is so cute. She's ready for rain.

  15. What a beautiful card Jay Jay ;0)

    Janneke X

  16. Ohh Jay Jay love this color combo!!! And what a great idea using the drippy goo punch!!

  17. JayJay, this color combo is great! Looks very "rainy" to me! Great coloring too! :)

  18. Hi Jay Jay!
    I love your card.. So sweet and the colors are really great. I especially love that punch you used.. It looks likes she's been playing in the rain.. Great card!

  19. She is just so adorable! I love your coloring and choice of dp! Beautiful card!!!

  20. Very cute card and such an adorable little girl.

  21. Jay Jay, die Karte ist ein Traum:-))
    LG Sabine

  22. Fabulous! Love the colours, and your colouring is breathtaking! Love the drippy border... awesome card!


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