We at Stampavie would very much appreciate if you would join us in supporting our US Representative, Design Team member and dear friend, Michelle Oatman.
We at Stampavie want to help her on her road to recovery. While we all would like nothing more than to support her in person, some things are just not possible. So besides sending cyber-hugs, we are asking for PayPal donations which will be sent directly to Michelle to help “kick” the mounting medical costs associated with her surgeries and also to help her obtain an artificial eye.
To show your support for Michelle, please, please log into your PayPal account and make your donation payment, no matter how small, to the account info@stampavie.com.
Tina Wenke is also kindly working on a digital download (of a donkey, of course!) so please check back here for more details on that. You’ll be able to download it directly from our blog, all we ask in return is that you donate $3 to Michelle’s PayPal fund.
Michelle is a very loving and caring person and we are all lucky to call her “friend”! Michelle says that she is lucky to be married to her best friend. Together, they are parents to their 2 Toy Australian Shepherds, a cat, and their Miniature Donkeys that they raise. The love she gives her animals comes right back, as they keep her busy, entertained and happy. Now, we hope that the love she sends out to the stamping community and beyond will come back as well!
Could I ask you all to spread the word about this on your blogs, Facebook, Twitter etc, the more people that hear about this the better. Thanks for your help!
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