Mittwoch, 1. Oktober 2008

7 things about me

Ich wurde von Michelle getagged und soll jetzt 7 Dinge über mich erzählen. Da Michelle aus Texas kommt, werde ich auf Englisch weiterschreiben.

I've been tagged by my dear Michelle and now I have to tell you 7 things about me. I won't tag anybody else, so I won't tell you the rules of this tag.

1) Do you know that my real name is Franziska? I got my nickname Jay Jay when I was 15 years old and I really love it. Since then my name in any letter and later in the internet was/is Jay Jay and today my friends call me Jay Jay, too. My other nickname is Franzi, but never call me Franziska please, because my parents only did as they were angry with me!

2) I'm totally addicted to Pepsi Light. I can't stop it and I really hate drinking water or juices since I've lost too much weight in too few months some years ago.

3) Okay, here we are. Since this time I'm always feeling bad (fat) and don't like myself much. I've lost my fun of live totally for some months in 2006, but now I'm nearly okay and try to accept my life like it is now.

4) I really LOVE Heavy Metal and Medieval Rock. I loved to visit festivals and love to visit concerts. Can you imagine that I hear e. g. Hammerfall beside creating a cute card? I always do and I would die without my music.

5) Most of the time I'm wearing BLACK clothes. I tried to wear some other colours, but I'm always coming back to my black things.

6) Beside all these dark things I LOVE my cuddly dolls even more than all my other things. I don't know why I'm such an plush addicted, but I can't stop buying these cute fluffy pals. My favorites are (awww I can't decide which one to write down first...) "Berta" a really BIG turtle, "Happy" my cute Fuzzy Moon Bear, "Mauli" my best plush friend beside Berta (a mole), Tiplitaps (another little turtle) and there are some more sleeping in my bed, too ;) My poor fiance... My newest friend will be a stuffed "Wall-E" from Hong Kong *LOOL*.

7) Hmm what can I tell you in my last space? There are sooo many thing I could tell you. Okay, I've an idea. If there is anything you would like to know, just leave a comment and I'll answer it here (if it isn't too private of course).

Dear Michelle, I'm really happy that we met us at the Stampavie DT and I never want to miss you again. *Hugs* (Also to Diane <3).

1 Kommentar:

  1. Loved learning more about you, and I am so happy to have "met" you and being friends!

    PS.... you box went out this morning. I didn't make it out yesterday as my foot was acting up and didn't feel up to driving. Better today and so first thing it went out.


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